Wednesday 6 February 2013

The first step to optimism

This blog is about how to be optimistic at a time when life is full uncertainty. It's about trying new things and remaining positive in the face of new challenges. It's written from a woman's perspective as a lot of the self-help gurus I have followed in the past have been men with very different problems and views on life.

I am seven weeks away from giving birth to my first child and am taking a break from my career at the age of 39 without feeling that I have ever achieved a meteoric rise to fame or riches. So now what? What direction shall I go in? Will having a child change me beyond recognition and what happens next? Anything that is unknown is scary at first, it's about finding the courage to keep on in the face of adversity.

So what do I have to help me on this journey? I have a new blog to teach me discipline, commitment and self reflection. I have a list of barely formed, vague goals; a smattering of Neuro linguistic programming and a shelf full of self-help books promising me that I can make my first million and change my life in seven days....

So here goes....

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