Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Remembering why I am here

At times I find myself getting very frustrated with being at home with a baby.

If I looked at myself as an outside observer I would be asking the following question: What happened to the career focused young woman who was constantly striving for something better? Now she's at home being a house wife while trying to look after a baby, keep the flat clean and write a best seller. Not to mention trying to stay abreast of what's happening in the world so conversation doesn't have to revolve just around babies. Then there are all the books she wants to read, clutter to clear, meals she wants to cook and friends to keep up with. Has she mentioned the new business she wants to start and the exercise she's not doing and what about spending time with her husband?

Reading this report back it's no wonder I am now feeling stressed. I suddenly have all this time and I feel like I'm wasting it and not achieving any goals like I should be. And there is the key word 'should' who is telling me I 'should' be doing things. No one.  It is just my own perception of what a successful person looks like or 'should' be doing.

Super mum syndrome popped into my head and then into my search engine. Sure enough it exists at least in America anyway with several women suffering from it. So I am not alone. Whole armies of women are out there trying to multitask until they drop to their still-jam-stained floors with exhaustion. Looks like I could be heading to supermums anonymous some time soon.

It all comes back to my current favourite word focus. The point of having a child in the first place is to enjoy the experience of having a baby. So why are we women running around trying to do everything but concentrate on the most wonderful thing in our lives  - our babies? So what if there's a bit of dust on the windowsill or I don't know whose written the latest best seller?
These things do not matter as much as the little baby over there trying to get mummy's attention.

So yes I do have all this time but this time is for Ava. It's important to identify a list of priorities. She is number one, husband is number 2 and writing/exploring creativity is number three. Yes I don't want to live in a pigsty, but there are steps I can do to reduce that, it's not the most import thing.

As I wrote in my previous post the key is cultivating good habits every day. Doing little things to keep life ticking over which allows more time to be spent on priorities. Well here goes...

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